Dr. Fiona Schmiegelow
Contact: fschmieg@ualberta.ca

Dr. Katie Aitken
Katie is an Assistant Professor in the School of Science at Yukon University in Whitehorse, Yukon, and is an Adjunct Professor in the Dept. of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta. She coordinates the B. Sc. in Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences program that Yukon University offers in partnership with U of Alberta. She teaches Ornithology; Biological Adaptation in Northern Environments; Animal Behaviour; Experimental Design and Data Analysis in Environmental Sciences; Introduction to Scientific and Technical Communication; and Critical Thinking and Advanced Communication in Science.
Before starting at Yukon University, she worked as a forest bird biologist with Canadian Wildlife Service in Whitehorse, Yukon.
She specializes in avian community and population ecology. Her research is focused on the influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on reproduction, habitat selection, and competition in forest bird communities (particularly cavity-nesting communities).
Contact: kaitken@yukonu.ca

Gabriel Rivest
Gabe is a graduate of the Northern Environmental Science program and is now the field course and outreach coordinator based in Whitehorse, Yukon. He coordinates the winter, summer and fall field courses as well as provides support for the semester in the north program. He also helps with different research projects related to the program.
Before starting his work at the University of Alberta, Gabe worked as a biologist for consulting companies in the Yukon, focusing mostly on fish and wildlife. He also worked for many years as a wilderness guide throughout the Territory, and as a film maker/photographer.
Contact: rivest@ualberta.ca